VBX & SlapFunk

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On the 26th of April 2021, the start of a traditionally orange themed weekend in celebration of our dear monarchs birthday, we are taking a different approach. A celebration for the people by the people, where unity in diversity will reign supreme.
VBX and Slapfunk have been flirting with each other for quite some time now and turned this undeniable chemistry into a full blown love affair on the 1st of January. The next chapter in this hot and steamy relationship will aptly be named PEOPLE IN LOVE. Inspired by the hedonistic and inclusive spirit of David Mancuso’s Loft parties, which took place in New York during the 70’s, PEOPLE IN LOVE will celebrate colourful expressionism of diversity, unity and respect.
This day not the king, but we the people, will take centre stage. Everybody is welcome, as long as you leave your ego and orange outfit at the door. Oh and don’t forget to bring your stamina and dancing shoes, as this will be a marathon session from 13:00 - 05:00.
Chris Stussy B2B Enrico Mantini
Children of Valis
Ferro B2B Elias Mazian
Ingi Visions
Leo pol (live)
Pascal Benjamin
Reiss B2B Traumer
VOIGT.MAS (Voigtmann & John Dimas)
Yours truly, THE PEOPLE IN LOVE.
P < 3
Tickets via: bit.ly/VBXSlapFunkPeopleinloveTickets
Be mindful when you buy second hand. Only use official resellers to avoid being scammed.
Powered by VBX & SlapFunk Records
First tickets will be sold through SlapFunk Whatsapp Family channel. Read more on how to apply for Whatsapp Family: https://goo.gl/5MbeVq
We always sell the first tickets for our events via our mailinglist. You can sign up here: bit.ly/VBXFriendsandFamily
Special shout out to name generator Marlon Arfman
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Geniet van helder geluid bij je favoriete muziek of podcast met Apple AirPods 4. Dankzij de ingebouwde H2 chip komen lage, midden en hoge tonen duidelijk naar voren. Hierdoor hoor je muziek gebalanceerd en helder. De oordopjes zitten dankzij het earbud ontwerp stevig in je oren.
Ze vallen hierdoor minder snel uit en je luistert lang comfortabel naar je favoriete muziek.
De oordopjes hebben een accuduur van 5 uur en in de oplaadcase zit een accuduur van 25 uur. Zo luister je tot wel 30 uur naar je favoriete muziek. Dankzij spatial audio klinkt muziek ruimtelijk. Dit geeft je het gevoel alsof het live afspeelt.
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