Unleashed Party

Dit evenement is geannuleerd
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- Bericht 1
We have been following the developments around the Covid-19 situation closely. All events in the Netherlands this summer have been canceled, which also includes our Unleashed event on June 6th.
For now, together with Paradiso, we have decided to look into the future and offer you the event of a lifetime! Join us for a magnificent summer event next year, on Saturday, July 17, 2021, with doors opening already in the early evening! We will continue to monitor all developments, and assess our options to organize more Unleashed events before this date. We will keep you posted…
For our beloved party goers who still hold a ticket for our event, please keep a close eye on your email. We will soon send you information regarding your options.
Let’s stay strong, stay safe, stay healthy, looking forward to the moment when we can all be together again!
PARADISO | 20:00 till 06:00 hrs
Saturday, July 17th 2021
With great pride and pleasure, we announce another UNLEASHED edition in one of the world’s most famous and beautiful venues, Amsterdam’s center of music and nightlife culture, PARADISO Amsterdam.
Promoting freedom, transformation, music, nightlife, culture, passion, creativity, genderosity and more than all… all kinds of love.
International guests | Glorious models & Mistresses | Chill-out zones | Entertainment equipment | Dungeon & Play areas | VideoArt visuals | Changing area & Lockers.
UNLEASHED parties fuse straight, gay and queer with an attractive crowd that is looking for fetish fantasies in complete freedom and festive spirit.
Foutje gezien? Let us know!
Agenda Unleashed
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Dat zijn er ruim 800 per maand. En dat al ruim 15 jaar lang!
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Je maakt bovendien direct kans op Apple AirPods 4 twv €149!
Geniet van helder geluid bij je favoriete muziek of podcast met Apple AirPods 4. Dankzij de ingebouwde H2 chip komen lage, midden en hoge tonen duidelijk naar voren. Hierdoor hoor je muziek gebalanceerd en helder. De oordopjes zitten dankzij het earbud ontwerp stevig in je oren.
Ze vallen hierdoor minder snel uit en je luistert lang comfortabel naar je favoriete muziek.
De oordopjes hebben een accuduur van 5 uur en in de oplaadcase zit een accuduur van 25 uur. Zo luister je tot wel 30 uur naar je favoriete muziek. Dankzij spatial audio klinkt muziek ruimtelijk. Dit geeft je het gevoel alsof het live afspeelt.
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