The Qontinent 2021

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- Bericht 1
Today, as part of the measures to combat the COVID-19 (corona) virus, the Belgian government has banned all festivals in Belgium till 31 August 2020.
Unfortunately, this means that The Qontinent cannot continue this year and we are incredibly sorry for that! We understand that this will be a great disappointment for you too.
We will have to postpone our festival for a year, to the weekend of 13, 14 and August 15, 2021. One thing is certain: ‘we will break all boundaries’ to make up for this lost summer!
If you have already bought a ticket or accommodation for The Qontinent, you will receive a personal email at the beginning of May containing more details about the relocation of The Qontinent by means of a voucher (conditions are observed).
This voucher will represent the total value of your purchases and can be redeemed for the edition of The Qontinent in 2021 or 2022 or for more products of your choice in the festival's ticket shop (launch is scheduled for early 2021).
In the meantime, we ask for your patience. So that we can handle this matter discreetly with the many parties that are involved. Our festival is organized by a whole series of companies and many employees who are all affected by this crisis. Without them, there is no The Qontinent. We also say to them: thank you for your support and stay strong & safe!
You can be assured that we’ll contact you as soon as possible to answer your questions.
We count on your understanding.
We are in this together!
Take care of yourself and each other!
Foutje gezien? Let us know!
Agenda Q-dance
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Je maakt bovendien direct kans op Apple AirPods 4 twv €149!
Geniet van helder geluid bij je favoriete muziek of podcast met Apple AirPods 4. Dankzij de ingebouwde H2 chip komen lage, midden en hoge tonen duidelijk naar voren. Hierdoor hoor je muziek gebalanceerd en helder. De oordopjes zitten dankzij het earbud ontwerp stevig in je oren.
Ze vallen hierdoor minder snel uit en je luistert lang comfortabel naar je favoriete muziek.
De oordopjes hebben een accuduur van 5 uur en in de oplaadcase zit een accuduur van 25 uur. Zo luister je tot wel 30 uur naar je favoriete muziek. Dankzij spatial audio klinkt muziek ruimtelijk. Dit geeft je het gevoel alsof het live afspeelt.
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