Party Info

The Incrowd

The Incrowd


Naam: The Incrowd Editie: 5 Year Anniversary Organisatie: The Incrowd Locatie: Panama Type: binnen Plaats: Amsterdam Datum: vrijdag 25 december 2015 Tijd: 22:00 uur - 04:00 uur Min.leeftijd: 18 jaar Website: Facebook: eventpagina


Type: gastenlijstplekken
Sluit om: 00:00:00 uur
Status: winnaars zijn bekend

Extra info

Dresscode: Dress to Impress


Artiesten (a-z)



Early Bird Normal: 13,00 Regular Normal: 17,00 Deurprijs: 20,00



Meer info

  • Bericht 1
Starring: INDUSTRIALYZER (live) & BRAM FIDDER @ Panama Amsterdam.

On the first day of Christmas, Friday December 25, Paolo and Mr Milano proudly invite you to their 5th anniversary bash at fantastic club Panama, Amsterdam. The birthday boys have invited 2 very special guest DJ’s to join them on this celebration day and they will treat us to a heavenly combination of craziness, love, techno and jingle bells, all night long.

First of all rising star BRAM FIDDER will kick off the night. Bram is one of the most promising young DJ/producers from the Amsterdam scene. His big break-through came in 2011 with a memorable set at a sold out Studio 80 in Amsterdam. Only 21 years old, Bram has already performed at some of the most premiere festivals in The Netherlands and beyond.

Our second headliner, INDUSTRIALYZER, is undoubtedly one of thé biggest techno stars of this moment. Ricardo Rodrigues is the kind of artist that’s best described as ‘self-made’. His road to success took him from his birth town Lisbon, all the way to Holland, and then to Barcelona. Recently he felt it was time to return to his roots, and set up Industrialyzer’s headquarters in Amsterdam, the capital of the country where he truly discovered Techno, raves, and everything that makes people fall in love with this scene.

Getting his name on the bill of the events he plays today has not been an easy job. Because Ricardo plays and produces the kind of uncompromising electronic music he does, it’s been a struggle to compete with rapidly changing trends, and the fickle mistress that is the electronic music industry. Let’s be fair, if in the last decade you weren’t willing to diverge to House, Minimal, or some other fashionable sub genre to please the whims of the crowd, you probably didn’t have an easy time making your way.

Luckily, the thing with talent is that it only takes one person to be recognised and nourished. For Rodrigues this person was fellow Portuguese Cisco Ferreira, aka The Advent. Call it kindred spirits, call it whatever you want; the two immediately hit it off and started exchanging musical ideas from the get go.

Quickly after their encounter, Ricardo started releasing on imprints as Drumcode, MB Electron- ics, Bush, Patterns, Mote Evolver and of course The Advent’s Kombination Research. By now there are a huge number of Industrialyzer originals to underline Rodrigues’ gift for speaking to the masses through stripped down, high energy Techno. Also he’s delivered many remixes and reworks with the Advent for the likes of Umek, Green Velvet, Pig&Dan, Alex Bau, and Tom Hades to name a few.

Today, Industrialyzer’s plays the best underground festivals and clubs around the globe, both solo and with Cisco. Nature One, Awakenings, Day and Night Festival, Berghain, Tresor, well... you know the brand names. He also runs Codeworks, reserved mainly for a selection of the duo’s joint output. Just as most good Portuguese wines traditionally have a Reserva label.

Our residents, Mr Milano and Paolo, will perform back to back with their well known big techno sound.

So after the Christmas turkey, grab a quick coffee and then head of to Panama Amsterdam and celebrate this special moment together with all your Incrowd friends and let's give Paolo and Mr Milano the Techno birthday party they deserve.

Early bird : 13,= (sold out)
Regular presale : 17,=
Final call : 20,=

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