The Flying Dutch - Eindhoven

Type: vrijkaartenStatus: winnaars zijn bekend
Artiesten (a-z)
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- Bericht 1
Afrojack, Armin van Buuren, Firebeatz, Hardwell, Martin Garrix, Nicky Romero, Oliver Heldens, Showtek, Tiësto and W&W
Hardwell is closing in Eindhoven E3 Strand Eersel!
The festival grounds of The Flying Dutch Eindhoven will be at the E3 Strand Eersel on June 4 2016. The doors open at 11h30 am and close at 11h00 pm.
The Flying Dutch is an 18+ event. The security might ask for your ID before granting entrance to the festival.
Tickets are €54.95, service costs excluded. There is a maximum of 4 tickets per transaction. We strongly advise you to purchase your tickets only through our website. You will only get access to the event if you have an official TFD entrance ticket.
We strongly advise all visitors to the E3 Strand Eersel location to buy a festival + bus ticket, because we want all visitors to get home safely and quickly after the festival. And this is best done by taking a comfortable bus from your home, directly to the entrance of the festival area and back. Manoeuvring and parking space for cars is limited at E3 Strand Eersel. This could make for very long waits exiting the parking area if you’re getting home. Traffic on the one road leaving can also make for heavy congestion. For safety reasons and because we want the festival area to clear out smoothly we prefer buses. We even advise people who have purchased a regular ticket to buy additional bus tickets. You can do this on the website by clicking ‘travel’.
For the E3 Strand Eersel we sell a number of the available tickets only in combination with bus tickets. If the single tickets are all sold-out, you can only purchase a ticket combined with a bus ticket. You can select your nearest pick-up point from 200 stops in the Netherlands. The advantages: you can easily select your own pick-up point, there’s no need for someone to forego alcohol and you don’t have to think about how you will be getting home!
If I have questions mail us at: or you can reach us by whatsapp +316-18 77 10 32 (only during the ticket sale period from 1 through 8 February).
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Agenda The Flying Dutch
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