PINKB!NK Art Auction & Party

Type: gastenlijstplekkenSluit om: 22:30:00 uur
Status: winnaars zijn bekend
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- Bericht 1
12,50 euro
Zaal open 21:00 preview Auction work
by Ernst Coppejans, Krijn van Noordwijk, Alek Bruessing, Martin C. de Waal and others
22:00 start Auction by Louise Schiffmacher
23:30- 05:00 PINKB!NK clubnight
Dj’s: Honey Dijon (NYC) / Carlos Valdes / Monsieur Plastique / Wannabeastar / Dagny Polly F. / MC’s: Miss Bunty / Nicole MC / Performances: Sophie de roos / Mo Benchallel / Elio Heres/ VJ’s: Martin de Waal / Spinsekt /
In this world of diversity, all people of all colours and cultures with different sexual orientations deserve the same rights. But does it work like this in real life? No! In Holland, we celebrate our freedom and acceptance every year with Gaypride. This year, let’s stand up for those people who still have to fight. Let’s dance for them!
PINKB!NK is an Amsterdam based foundation that organises charity events. This year we chose Senegal. In Senegal, homosexuality is still illegal. Coming out means, without exception, rejection by family and friends, no job and a prison sentence for up to ten years. Together with photographer Ernst Coppejans, PINKB!NK went to Dakar to give this anonymous group a face by means of a portrait series.
During Gaypride PINKB!NK will organise three big events to raise money for the LGBT community in Senegal and draw attention to this group. We will start with ART, the exhibition ‘Dans le Milieu’ by Ernst Coppejans at the Melkweg Gallery (July 25th till August 17th ). After that we will sweep you off your feet with an evening of theatre featuring ‘De LULverhalen’ by Howard Komproe on July 30th in the Sugarfactory. And to top it off, we will end our program with an art-auction ( with works by Ernst Coppejans, Krijn van Noordwijk, Alek Bruessing, Martin C. de Waal and others ) love, music and special (inter)national acts like Honey Dijon (NYC ) and many more at the Sugarfactory on July 31st.
The proceeds of these events will go directly to LGBT-projects in Senegal. We have partnered with the Dutch Embassy in Dakar who supports projects like medical care, costs for lawyers and refuge.
Let’s celebrate life by helping others! More information:
SMS ‘JA’ naar 1008 voor donatie van €1,50
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