Party Info

Oscar Wildest

Oscar Wildest


Naam: Oscar Wildest Editie: NYE Organisatie: Lloyd-Acardi Locatie: Mayer Manor Type: binnen Plaats: Amsterdam Datum: zaterdag 31 december 2016 Tijd: 20:00 uur - 04:30 uur Min.leeftijd: 18 jaar Website: Facebook: eventpagina

Extra info

Dresscode: "One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of


Status: Nog niet bekend


Regular Normal: 150,00



Meer info

  • Bericht 1

★ “I represent all the sins you have never had the courage to commit.” ★

To end 2016 on a high note, the jolly chaps of Lloyd-Acardi surface again – this time with an intimate evening of lavishness and scandal, which, of course, you just can’t miss.

This NYE will be hosted with the irreverence and sartorial grandeur of the one and only Oscar Wilde – the legendary wordsmith, infamous for his loose morals and insatiable taste for the fine things in life. Oscar will welcome you in spirit and allow you to relive the scandalous brilliance of his private world, amongst fin-de-siècle Victorian society.

Expect a memorable night of poetic indulgence and a bustling crowd of dancers, opera singers, ballerinas, pianists, actors, poets and aristocrats.

★ “Let me be surrounded by luxury, I can do without the necessities!” ★

Wilde’s legendary nod to decadence will grace the grounds of Amsterdam’s Mayer Manor – an equally opulent private mansion that is sure to ignite the Victorian bon-vivant living in you.

When joining Oscar Wildest, be prepared to face temptation and sin, raveling in an ostentatious setting where everything is possible and nothing is mandatory.

You are welcome to soak in our copper baths while sipping champagne and nibbling oysters or to
dance the night away with an absinth in hand.

The 4 floors of Wilde’s mansion will blast to the tunes of the finest DJ’s and live performers, in a magic stir of sensorial entertainment: the evening is yours, so do as you please.

And as even moderation itself should be exercised in moderation, our artistic rendez-vous promises you no moderation at all.

★ "One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art." ★

Oscar Wilde’s sense of style was as sharp as his wit, so be ready to step out of all conventions and show your most extravagant self. And remember that in Wilde’s mansion one can never be overdressed, or overeducated.

GENTLEMEN: Abuse of velvet and silk. Sport a fancy tie and a dandy hat. Dare to
wear colour. Three-piece-suits will earn you extra points, so will capes, stockings and fur.

LADIES: Wear your femininity softly, but surely. Graciously break the rules. Embrace the morphing of the sexes. Lace and sheer are the only must. Corsets and frills will bring you belonging. Hats and jackets will set you apart.

★"I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there.★"

Oscar Wilde’s friends will be welcomed at Mayer Manor with an ALL-NIGHT OPEN BAR offering all drinks as well as champagne, cocktails, absinth, oysters, hors d’oeuvres and amusements.

Please keep in mind that Oscar is a popular fellow and that his mansion can only house a number of his friends, so gather your entourage and reserve your spot at the wildest New Year’s Eve on the books!



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Agenda Lloyd-Acardi

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