Dirty Dutch Records presents Calvin Harris

Type: gastenlijstplekkenSluit om: 00:30:00 uur
Status: winnaars zijn bekend
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Meer info
- 04/10/2011
funkin matt
mitchel niemeyer
Dirty Dutch Vs Cr2 was unquestionably the stand out party of ADE 2010, smashing a sell out Club on the very final night of the event when the rest of Europe was trying to catch up on sleep.
2011 and the Dirty Dutch crew are back in their Amsterdam home but this time presenting a special double header of nights at Panama. With parties at the city’s prized venue running on both Thursday 20th October and again on Saturday 22nd October, Dirty Dutch will be showcasing the sound of their home for the entire world to hear.
Part Two will see Dirty Dutch return to the scene of the crime with another blow-out DD style.
This time headlined by the one and only Calvin Harris whose live performances are renowned the world over for getting the party people out in force. With number ones in both the album and singles charts already under his belt, not to mention his frequent collaborations with the likes of Kylie Minouge and Dizze Rascal, Calvin Harris is a man at the top of his game.
Joining the chart-topping Scot will be Dirty Dutch’s latest finding, Betatraxx. The LA based upstart has already started making some major waves amongst the scene but will now get the chance to unleash his sound for full at ADE. Funkin Matt and Mitchell Niemeyer will complete the line-up for Saturday 22nd October.
For VIP reservations e-mail info@panama.nl
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