Party nieuws

A brand new night in the Dutch House industry

donderdag 21 mei 2015

Party nieuws: A brand new night in the Dutch House industry

This conceptual night has several key elements that will entertain you throughout the whole night. 
The foundation of a true nightlife experience lies within what the elements of a good party stands for. We came up with 4 core elements that guarantee a night like you have not experienced so far. 

To break these boundaries and full fill our goal this night will consist of the following fundaments:

♬ MUSIC ♬ 
Music is an art form whose medium is sound. The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context. But in all cases, the most important meaning of music is, that is unites everyone all over the world. White, Dark, Small, Big, Blind, Deaf or bi-sexual. Music is an international understood language. Let's all come together and celebrate this unique form of art and language. 

Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. Interaction will lead to chemistry. Mostly this interaction also leeds to positive energy and form of happiness. Created by the DJ accompanied by the masters of Ceremony, a true atmosphere will be created guided by many elements of interaction. 

♡ LOVE ♡ 
Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection ("I love my friend") to pleasure ("I loved that song"). Love can be understood as a function to keep human beings together. Maybe love is one of the most important elements of all. For some people the love for music and DJ's is unconditional. Because of this we listen the music we listen, and party the way we party. Save the date and save the love, because it will be a night of true emotions and beautiful people

✫ SHOW ✫
to Show off is a way to behave in an ostentatiously skilled and assured way with the intention of impressing others. The definition of the element of show is the one and only derivative of showing off and impressing others. One of the main reasons people care and love the Music we hear and listen on the party's we visit is because of the different elements a show can create. let us surprise you during this nigh with the element of showing off. 

Every 90 minutes, with the change of DJ's you will experience a total change of environment and setting which will give you many different incentives throughout the whole night. 

Let the show surprise you, Let the love enter you heart and free your mind to embrace your inner desire to interact with the one you care about. 

Air 1
Full Crate Official x Mar 
Quinten 909
The Cliqque

Air 2

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